Extra Credit Event #1
This week, I went to a seminar called Toxics in Everyday Life, which was held in the UCLA School of Law by a team of PhD, MD, and JD speakers.
The thing I found the most interesting was the poster on E-cigarettes and Vapes. When discussing pollution, many people often restrict the sources of pollution to things like industrial waste. However, this seminar discussed how these are not the only concerns. Research shows a large increase in the use of vapes and E-cigarettes is still harmful for the immediate environment. It was interesting to see how the creators of the posters made them very aesthetically pleasing, and it made me see that art was a widespread network that reaches every aspect of society. Art is what attracts people to read advertisements and public service announcements, and even informational posters such as these use art to make them easier to digest.
I personally found this seminar to be particularly interesting because I have friends who currently smoke and vape. I can understand how vapes are appealing to smokers, because they are trying to break away from the addiction of smoking. I find that it is a method of gradually quitting. However, I do see how this awareness poster is emphasizing that vapes should not be seen as healthy, perfect substitutions. I think it is very relevant to our topic about two cultures. Everything uses art. This event revealed that art is what makes science easy for the masses to understand.

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